Friday, June 3, 2011


I would like to welcome  you to  The purpose of this blog is to share my love of Lego system blocks that has spanned almost thirty years.  It started simply enough with a fire truck and then a space ship.  It lead to castles  pirates, vikings, trains, christmas, and the goal of creating a huge city of Lego.  What I shall attempt to do is present my progress from separating and organizing blocks to designing buildings and environments.  I will discuss various designs I plan.  I will detail  buying both sets in boxes and blocks found at yard sales, ebay, and classifieds.    I will attempt to highlight other sites that are dedicated to Lego blocks as well.  I will also write about sharing my love of Lego blocks to my son who is currently playing with Duplo blocks but has quite a bit of interest in my collection.  So I hope you learn something and you are able to share any knowledge with me. 

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